Updated: Oct 19, 2021
As the cold nights set in and the festive season seems a touch away, it’s time to get yourself ready for those cracking Christmas parties, So many people are offering special deals and offers that seem too good to be true, how can we make sure we know what’s going into our faces?
Here are some little home truths….
Did you know that for prescription only medicine you will need to see a prescribing Dr, Dentist or Nurse prior to treatment even if you have had the treatment before? Guidelines are different for each profession, but you will need to see a prescriber before any treatment is carried out.

So, when you change clinics don’t be alarmed when they can’t carry out the treatment straight away regardless how many times that you have been treated, again different regulations are different for independent prescribers check with your clinic. We have heard & seen that some clinics are offering treatments for wrinkles for as low as £80, let me tell you it’s just not possible. Having years of experience within this industry it is impossible to treat a full wrinkle treatment for this low cost – it wouldn’t even cover the cost of the prescription!
BEWARE! Ask to see the packaging that your product has come from. Some clinics using NON-CE Marked products. Without it means if anything goes wrong their insurance is VOID. Plus Ask yourself the question…. What on earth is getting pumped in my face?
So, would you want to be in UNSAFE hands this Christmas?
Check to see if your practitioner is registered with Save Face. Save Face is a national register of Accredited practitioners who provide non-surgical cosmetic treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers. The Register is accredited by Professional Standards Authority and is recognised by the Government, The Department of Health, NHS England and The Care Quality Commission.

As a Saveface registered clinic for over 5 years we strive on keeping the industry safe for you. So this Christmas make sure you put your face in to our safe hands. Free consultations are available Wednesday to Saturday and can be booked online or by calling 0191 4540830.